Fieldwork for plant ecologists in Norway normally begins in June, and the hard work we put into our site maintenance and data collection pays off when we are able to share our findings with vegetation scientists from around the world. From the 20th to the 24th of June 2017, a conference was held on the READ MORE
Category: Blog
Brenning førebygger brann!
I midten av mai braut det ut lyngbrann på Ottersøya i Nord-Trøndelag og ved Rylandsvatnet i Bremanger. Paradoksalt nok er det mangel på brenning, eller lyngsviing, som legg grunnlaget for desse ukontrollerte utmarksbrannane.Kontrollert lyngsviing på Nerlandsøy. Langs norskekysten har vi eit lyngheiareal på om lag 750 km2. Sjølv om det er lett å få inntrykk READ MORE
Prescribed burning spring 2017
This spring we managed to burn all our 7 resilience research sites. We will let the pictures talk for them selves. Novelandet in Bremanger municipality. Nerlandsøy in Herøy municipality. Golta in Sund municipality. Rossvoll in Smøla municipality.
Lyngsviing våren 2017
Denne våren har vi svidd lyng på alle dei 7 lyngsviingslokalitetane våre. Vi lar bildene tale for seg sjølv. Novelandet i Bremanger kommune Nerlandsøy i Herøy kommune Golta i Sund kommune Rossvoll i Smøla kommune
The Ethical dilemmas of the ‘Project’ PhD
Since the 18th Century, the world has undergone an industrial revolution, upturned the consensus on medical care, and invented a whole new way of conducting agriculture. But somehow, the institution of education has stayed somewhere in the past. School children are still subjected to the same teaching style that was used two hundred years ago. READ MORE
Second day of the ClimMani workshop
Aud Halbritter made a video of the second day of the ClimMani workshop. Researchers from around the world arrived at Finse by train before making the 2 km ski journey to the research station. For some, this was their first experience of skiing, and for many it was their first experience of skiing in the READ MORE
How do you make climate manipulation experiments comparable?
In this cold and sunny week at the beginning of March 2017, researchers from a pan-European networking project for climate manipulation experiments are meeting to discuss a way to standardise data collection. This will make it much easier to make comparisons across studies. Here’s a video of day one.
Iaeste student experience
My name is Aynhoa, I am studying for my bachelor degree Biology in Spain. Last summer, I went for an Iaestu student internship to Bergen, Norway. I had a great opportunity to work in the FunCaB Project together with two other Iaestu students. The internship was made up of several parts. Sometimes we had to READ MORE
A trip to Finland
At the beginning of February, the Nordic Society Oikos held their biennial conference. This year it took place in Finland’s oldest city and previous capital – Turku. Organised primarily for researchers in Ecology in Nordic countries, this event is an opportunity for those in similar fields to share their findings and build collaborations. This was READ MORE
How to prepare a manuscript for publication?
If you are a scientist, you want to publish your work at some point. Other scientists in your field should read and learn from your work. And in science a publication is usually a paper in a journal. Publishing a paper can be hard work if you do it for the first time (also later), READ MORE